Our Mission
Suiting the person, not the medication!
Our Vision
To serve all patients regardless of their personal genetic differences or health conditions.
July 5, 1994
Born in the Netherlands
Bill and his brother were born in the Netherlands, and immigrated to the sleepy town of Sarnia, Ontario, Canada to seek a better life.
Feb 2, 2020
Arrived in Toronto
Then both brothers came to Toronto seeking better opportunities.
Jan 31, 2021
Obtained a M.D
Bill obtained a M.D from the University of Western Ontario, M.Sc. From the University of Toronto, and MBA from York University.
Jan 31, 2021
Technical Medical Director
In 1974, Bill was a technical medical director, and was especially in charge of setting up clinical studies, to get approval from Health Canada.
Jan 31, 2021
He worked for big pharma companies like Ferring.
Jan 31, 2021
Interest in Glycobiology
Interest in glycobiology came from his work with glucose analogs in brain tumors at the laboratory of Dr. Charles Tator in the Institute of Medical Sciences, University of Toronto.
Jan 31, 2021
Children’s Hospital
The childrens’ hospital asking for more personalized anti-depression meds for children.
Jan 31, 2021
Central Medical Building
With this in mind, Bill decided to start his own pharmacy to try to tackle these issues he faced with big Pharma, ignoring underserved communities of patients. He obtained the 311 Sherbourne building as a first step.
Jan 31, 2021
Corner Pharmacy
He started off by only using a corner area of the first floor of the building initially for the community pharmacy.
Jan 31, 2021
Personalized Medicine Services
Then as he saw the need for more different and diversified personalized medicine solutions, he expanded the business to start offering other pharmacy services as well like compounding, vets, botox, reimbursement, refill, transfer, clinical studies, tapering-off, HIV, and excessive sweating consults.
Jan 31, 2021
Internet Pharmacy Hurdles
Talk about the hurdles of being an internet pharmacy, at the time.
Jan 31, 2021
Cable TV
Sy created a communications cable entrepreneurial endeavor, after already having a very successful law practice. He found here that there was an opportunity to offer these services with much better access, in a more affordable and convenient manner.
Jan 31, 2021
The Future
At this point Bill almost left the pharmacy business, but Sy convinced him to keep pushing, to try to achieve their mission, and was able to foresee the importance the internet will play in all of our lives, and how it will help them achieve their mission.
Jan 31, 2021
College of Pharmacists
In 1999 we got involved in the internet. Got pushback from the college of pharmacists, as to whether this was even legal.
Jan 31, 2021
Creation of Avert & Secure
In 2002, we created Avert, to help manage vertigo, Anti-Vertigo, but we noticed people were starting to use it to manage their excessive sweating.
Jan 31, 2021
Into to Vet Compounds
One day upon bringing his loving pup into the vet for some needed antibiotics medication, he found a need for personalized medicine even here for pets, so decided to start the Vets Compounds side of the business to combat this ever growing problem.
Jan 31, 2021
Excessive Sweating Aid
So we officially started to market the product as an effective manager of excessive sweating, post confirming it indeed works through clinical studies.
Jan 31, 2021
Entering South Korea
We made a deal with a Korean company to rebrand our Avert products into Sweatrol.
Jan 31, 2021
Intro to Compounding
In 2003, we decided to get into Compounding, to better be able to “Suit the person, and not the medication”.
Jan 31, 2021
Wellesley Therapeutics
In 2005, Bill started Wellesley Therapeutics Inc, to maximize the clinical utility of well-known medicinal substances.
Jan 31, 2021
A New Start
The CMB being located in a very underserved and impoverished community, we were exposed to a lot of clusters of various underserved communities of patients. One such area of need was amongst HIV patients. This prompted CMB from exploring specific intake and outreach programs, to specifically help those in need amongst the underserved communities. Two big such programs, include the HIV New Life/Prep & SRI and tapering off services.
Jan 31, 2021
Expansion for the Future
In 2021, due to the increasing demand locally within Toronto, Canada, and globally around the world, to meet demand we expanded our location and services offerings. In addition to the new revamped downtown location at 311 Sherbourne, we also moved HQ to North York, Toronto to open a new state of the art medical facility, to open up our offerings and innovation. This also allows us to position ourselves and serve our global clients better and more efficiently.