Compounding has been providing compounding services for over 20 years. Our Personalized Medicine® compounding services can take many forms, including;
- Taking the manufacturer’s limited available strengths and converting them into a specific strength tailored to your personal needs.
- Producing a compounded medication without a specific filler or non-medicinal ingredient you are allergic or sensitive to.
- Providing a range of different strengths of the same medication to allow you to gradually titrate-up or taper-off your dose
Our Personalized Medicine® service allows us to provide an almost infinite range of strengths and to control the ingredients in your medications that are problematic, all customized to meet your specific needs. This means that you, with the cooperation of your doctor, can find just the right strength of a medication to maximize therapeutic benefits while minimizing undesirable side effects.

Compounding Info
The most common reason patients use our service is to get the medication strength that is ideal for them. There are other reasons patients access our service. Among them are:
A typical tablet or capsule contains many non-medicinal ingredients in addition to the active ingredient. These are added to assist in the manufacturing process or to visually enhance a product’s esthetic appearance. Some patients are sensitive to these non-medicinal ingredients. In many cases we are able to prepare a medication without the offending ingredient, so that you can benefit from the therapeutic effects of the medication, while helping to avoid the side effects of the additive.
Some older-but still effective-medications are gradually discontinued by the manufacturer. Additionally, periodic drug shortages and back-orders have become a growing problem in Canada. If you are well controlled on one of these medications, a discontinuation or shortage can leave you at risk of either having to make a switch in therapy or to go without your medication. We are often capable of compounding these medications while they are backordered or discontinued to ensure your treatment can be continued without interruption.
- Tapering off medications: we can assist you to gradually wean off a medication.
- SSRI discontinuation: we offer a proprietary Step-Wise™10X10 Tapering Kit to help you gradually reduce your SSRI dose or stop it completely.
- In-between strengths: your optimized dose may be an unavailable ‘in-between’ strength that is not easily achieved through pill-splitting. We can provide your specific strength on an ongoing and long-term basis.
Talk to your doctor if you think you may benefit from a Personalized Medicine® service offered by We welcome contact from you or your doctor directly by phone, or using the Contact Us form below.